ARVN Defeated at Binh Gia
Buddhists Demonstrate
Against Huong
Buddhists demonstrate against the government of Tran Van Huong. The demonstrations
continue and intensify until the Armed Forces Council ousts Huong.
US Bases Attacked
Viet Cong troops attack a helicopter base at Camp Halloway. The troops blow up the
barracks of US military advisors at Pleiku, killing 8 Americans and wounding 126.
President Johnson orders immediate reprisals, as 49 US Navy jets attack North Vietnam
Rolling Thunder Begins
The US launches Rolling Thunder, in which 100 US Air Force planes and 60 South Vietnamese
planes bomb North Vietnam. These are the first air raids against North Vietnam that are
not in direct retaliation for Communist attacks.Rolling Thunder continues on and off
from 1965 to 1968. In all, the US flies 304,000 fighter bomber sorties and 2,380 B-52
bomber sorties over North Vietnam,loses 922 aircraft and drops 634,000 tons of bombs.
US Combat Troops Arrive
US Marines land at Da Nang, a total of 3,500 troops. Their mission is to provide security
for the Da Nang air base, thus freeing South Vietnamese troops for other tasks.
First Campus Sit-In
In the United States, the first anti-Vietnam War campus sit-in takes place at the
University of Michigan. Another such sit-in follows at Columbia University.
First Mig Attack
The first series of raids against bridges on the road to Hanoi begins.In the course
of this raid, North Vietnamese MIGS (Russian-built fighteraircraft) attacks US planes.
Marine Reinforcements Sent
Additional marines arrive in Da Nang. Some of the marines are sent to Phu Bai, eight
miles south of Hue.
US Suspends Air Raids
The US suspends air raids on North Vietnam, hoping for a peaceful overturefrom the
North Vietnamese. At the same time, the US launches a diplomaticoffensive.
Air Raids Resume
When the North Vietnamese fail to respond to the US peace initiative and suspension of
bombing, President Johnson orders that the raids be resumed.Raids are conducted
against North Vietnamese oil storage tanks.
Australian Troops Depart
For Vietnam
Eight hundred Australian troops depart for Vietnam. The Australian forces center around
the 1st Australian Task Force (ATF), head quartered in the Nui Dat Rubber plantation in
Phuoc Tuy Province, southeast of Saigon. The Australian forces are later supplemented
with troops from New Zealand. In the course of war, 47,424 Australian troops serve
in Vietnam, 494 of whom are killed and 2,368 of whom are wounded. In addition, 35
New Zealanders are killed and 135 are injured.
US Troops Officially Engaged In Combat
The US State Department announces that American troops areengaged in combat.
First B-52 Raids Launched
The first B-52 raids are launched
against Viet Cong targetsin South Vietnam.
First Major US Offensive
The first major US offensive action of the war is taken by 3000 troops of the 173rd
Airborne Division and 800 Australian troops. The troops are to sweep Zone D, north
of Saigon. The sweep fails to make any contact with the Viet Cong.
First Medal of Honor Awarded
This photo is of Joel LawrenceReceiving Medal
US Marine Corps Lieutenant Frank Reasoner of Kellog, Idaho becomes the first marine
in Vietnam to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. The medal is awarded
posthumously, since Reasoner is killed in an ambush.
SAM Missiles Engage US Planes
Ground to air missiles fire at four US Phantoms over Vietnam, shooting down one and
damaging three. This marks the first time that US planes areattacked by surface
to air missiles (SAM).
US Forces Increase To 125,000
President Johnson announces an increase in US military forces in Vietnam from 75,000
to 125,000. He also announces an increase in the monthly draft from 17,000 to 35,000.
On July 29th, the first 4,000 paratroopers of the 101st airborne division arrive
in Vietnam.
Operation Starlite Begins
Operation Starlite, the first major action fought by only US forces,takes place. US
marines numbering 5,500 destroy a Viet Cong base area nearVan Tuong. The attack is
preceded by a massive artillery and air assault US forces successfully capture the
Vietcong positions and rout the Communist forces. The US marines lose 45 and claim
to kill 668 Viet Cong.
US Attacks in Central Highlands
The US 1st Cavalry Division joins the
South Vietnamese in an attack in the Central Highlands.
US Raid Hits 115 Targets In North Vietnam
In one of the heaviest raids of the war, US aircraft raid 115 points in North Vietnam
to inter dict supply line
Bombing Halts
The United States halts the bombing of North Vietnam. During the halt,the US engages in
a massive peace offensive aimed at finding a diplomatic settlement to the war. The North
Vietnamese do not recipricate and, after 37 days, President Johnson announces that
the bombing will resume.