Notes for Richard DeMOTT

SOURCE: Lds film # 1035591, Malla DeMotte, DAR # 338969.
Letter from Lottie Ross Holdren. 1982, 1800 Penn Census (book), Roll 9 1790 PA
Census Roll 101 (1820), Penn Census, 1830 Roll 165 Columbia County PA Census,
Will Registered 9 Aug 1827, PA., History & Biographical Annals of Columbia &
Montour Counties, Penn by J.H. Beevs (1915) pages 243-245, 740, 285, 266-267.
SOURCE #2 Neshanic reformed Dutch church baptismal records.
SOURCE #3 D.A.R. membership of Gladys Roberson #338969
AKA: Dirck

According the Name-System of the Dutch in the Seventeenth Century: The Dutch names of Dirck, and Derrick would be Thodore in English and the Dutch names of Ryck and Rykaard would be Richard in English. On a Dutch Baptismal names list, the Dutch names of Derrick, Dirck, Dirk would be Richard in English. and the Dutch name of Diederick would be Theodore in English.

The Dutch people had a certain naming practice when naming their children. The first children were named after their grandparents, usually the first son being named after the the paternal grandfather, the second son after the maternal grandfather, the first daughter being named after the maternal grandmother and the second daughter after the paternal grandmother. This naming practice gives invaluable clues to the given names of the next generation. After the first chilren were named for the grandparents, the next children were usually named after their aunts and uncles. Richrd DeMott and Mary Albright named their first son Isaac and their daughter Abigail, hopfully after his mother and father. If this the case then our Richard's (Dirck) father and mother would be Isaac and Abigail according to Dutch naming customs. Richard's (Dirck) father Issac is the son of Dirck (Richard) DeMott.

written by Richard J. Duprel Lacey Washington 1998


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