Notes for Michel WEILER

It is not known why Michel used the surname of WEILER. He was known by the
Weiler surname his entire life. His father Joannis Baptista DUPREL alias
WEYLER and the rest of the family had changed by 1802 to the DUPREL surname.
Michel sister Catherine was also born with the WEILER surname. In 1832 Michel
was living in Greisch and was known as Michel WEILER.
During the early 1800's the population of Greisch was small. Michel died in 1845, on his death record his name was listed as Michel WEILER. His brother Nicolas DUPREL gave the information for this record, he signed it N: DUPREL. So here we have 2
brothers one using the surname WEILER the other DUPREL. It is known from the records that Michel's father was born Joannis Baptista WEYLER in the house called Fridges. Joannis was illegtimate and used his mothers surname of WEYLER, but by 1802 was
known as Jean DUPREL.
RECORDS: Marriage 1 & 2, Death.


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